News & Updates

Mountain Goats and Climate Change Position Statement
The Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance (RMGA) stands in support of the recent position statement titled Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Goats and their habitats: Considerations for Conservation, Management, and Mitigation (2022) released by the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) concerning the effects of climate change on mountain goats and their habitats. As an organization dedicated to the conservation, study, and management of mountain goats, RMGA recognizes the urgency of addressing the challenges posed by climate change to these majestic creatures and their environments.

RMGA Comments On Glacier National Park Air Tour Management Plan
In 2021, Glacier National Park (GNP) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposed an Air Tour Management Plan. RMGA provided comments on this proposal and will continue to stay engaged to ensure potential impacts to mountain goats are scientifically based.

2021 Conservation Review
The RMGA experienced rapid growth in 2021. From doubling membership, conducting our first online auction, and reaching new areas with our regional representative program; the RMGA had quite the task at hand to deliver in the name of mountain goat science and conservation. With that, Lee MacDonald covered what we accomplished in 2021.

RMGA Grows. Mountain Goats and Members Both Win.
Since our inception, RMGA has been carried on the backs of our membership and volunteers. Corporate partners like Stone Glacier and Crispi volunteered to lift us up from time to time, but sponsors were not actively recruited in the early years of RMGA. Here's a little insight into the sponsorship program and what it means to you and the growth of RMGA conservation efforts.