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Mount Naomi Wilderness Goat Survey

May 3, 2018

In June of 2018, the RMGA solicited volunteers for a ground count in the Mountain Naomi Wilderness, Utah.

By: Peter Muennich

Join us for a  survey of the Mount Naomi Wilderness area in Cache county Utah on June 1-3, 2018. With large tracts of suitable goat habitat and known populations nearby, but infrequent sightings reported it is difficult to ascertain a reliable population count and if there are resident goats in the area.

Concentrating from Mount Elmer on the south to Doubletop Mountain on the north, we will divide into teams for the survey. A brief orientation meeting will be held Friday June 1st at Utah State University at 12pm. Volunteers will receive data sheets and assigned areas depending on numbers. From there we will disperse to trailheads and hike in. This survey requires capable and experienced backpackers. Mandatory equipment includes quality boots, camping gear and optics.

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